CHM335 Analytical Chemistry Industry Experience - Subject offered from 2012
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science BSc
On Campus - Wagga Wagga
Online - Wagga Wagga
Availability is subject to change, please verify prior to enrolment.
Full-time 3.0 years (6.0 sessions)
Part-time 6.0 years (12.0 sessions)
Normal course duration is the effective period of time taken to complete a course when studied Full-time (Full-time Equivalent Duration). Students are advised to consult the Enrolment Pattern for the actual length of study. Not all courses are offered in Full-time mode.
A completed High School Certificate with an ATAR of 70 (including adjustment factors) or equivalent.
Successful completion of two university level subjects (AQF level Associate Degree or higher) demonstrating a reasonable prospect of success through the Grade Point Average (GPA) gained in these studies.
A completed AQF Certificate IV or higher level qualification.
50% completion of an AQF Diploma level qualification.
A completed Tertiary Preparation Course from an Australian University or an accredited provider demonstrating a reasonable prospect of success through the Grade Point Average (GPA) gained in these studies.
STANDARD English Language Proficiency requirements. Refer to for the specific requirements.
To graduate students must satisfactorily complete 192 points.
The course comprises a set of core subjects, a major, a minor, and a number of electives:
" The core subjects are common to all combinations of majors and minors. There are six core subjects composed of four set subjects (STA201 STA308 SCI101 and SCI201) and two additional breadth core subjects to be chosen outside the major and minor disciplines from BIO100 CHM108 MTH105 GEO164 PSC102 PHY107 and MCR101. These subjects will broaden the basic scientific knowledge of graduates and therefore cannot align with the disciplines studied in their major or minor. They can however be a component of a second minor.
" The major must contain a minimum of 64 points (the equivalent of eight standard subjects) with at least 48 points at Level 2 or higher and at least 24 points at Level 3 or higher; restrictions to majors: the Analytical Chemistry major requires a minimum of 96 credit points (including 16 credit points in Mathematics, i.e., MTH101 and MTH102). See Courses Director, Program Leader or designated course administrator for details.
" The minor must contain a minimum of 32 points (the equivalent of four standard subjects) with at least 16 points at Level 2 or higher;
" The major and minor areas of studies must align with the majors and minors described in this document. Students can only replace a subject suggested in a major or minor described in this document upon approval by the Courses Director, Program Leader or designated course administrator in order to retain the integrity of the disciplines. In exceptional cases, a student may be allowed to design a major and/or minor that is not described in this document. This major or minor must satisfy the rules defined in this document, the nature of the discipline must be clearly identified, and design of the major or minor must be approved by the Courses Director, Program Leader or designated course administrator before studies are undertaken.
" Electives - at least 50% of the electives must be completed at Level 2 or above. An elective is any subject offered by the University (subject to any pre-requisites being met). Electives may be chosen from several disciplines or used to complete a second minor or used to complete a double major (in which case the electives are chosen in the same discipline as the minor and complete the minor with the subjects required to make up the major as listed in this document).
The majors offered at CSU include Analytical Chemistry, Conservation Biology, Mathematics, Microbiology and Immunology, Physics, Plant Science and Spatial Science.
The minors offered at CSU include Biology, Chemistry, Immunology, Information Technology, Mathematics, Microbiology, Physics, Spatial Science and Statistics.
Analytical Chemistry Major (this Major is accredited by the Royal Australian Chemical Institute)
MTH101 Computer Aided Mathematics 1 with Applications
MTH102 Computer Aided Mathematics 2 with Applications
CHM104 Chemistry 1A
CHM107 Chemistry 1B
CHM213 Analytical Chemistry
CHM214 Physical Chemistry
CHM215 Inorganic Chemistry
CHM216 Organic Chemistry
CHM321 Laboratory Management Issues
CHM323 Instrumental Analysis 1
CHM324 Instrumental Analysis 2
CHM335 Analytical Chemistry Industry Experience
Conservation Biology Major
BIO100 Concepts of Biology
BIO112 Principles of Ecology
BIO203 Animal Diversity
HRT202 Plant Taxonomy and Systematics
BIO262 Vegetation Ecology
BIO416 Conservation Biology
BIO323 River and Floodplain Ecology
BIO328 Restoration Ecology
Mathematics Major
MTH101 Computer Aided Mathematics 1
MTH102 Computer Aided Mathematics 2
MTH218 Multivariable Calculus
MTH219 Linear Algebra
MTH220 Ordinary Differential Equations
MTH328 Complex Analysis
MTH307 Mathematical Modelling
MTH418 Topics in Calculus
Suggested electives
MTH203 Numerical Methods
MTH309 Principles of Operations Research
Microbiology and Immunology Major
MCR101 Introduction to Microbiology
BMS240 Human Molecular Genetics
BMS241 Molecular Cell Biology
BMS215 Microbial Biotechnology
BMS308 Immunology
BMS315 Medical Microbiology
BMS338 Clinical Bacteriology
BMS344 Molecular Immunology
Physics Major
PHY101 Mechanics and Thermal Physics
PHY102 Electricity and Waves
PHY215 Scientific Instrumentation (Electronics)
PHY216 Modern Physics
PHY299 Introduction to Astronomy
PHY301 Astrophysics
PHY302 Quantum Mechanics
PHY304 Relativity and Cosmology
Plant Science Major
CHM108 Chemistry Fundamentals
PSC102 Botany
MCR101 Introduction to Microbiology
AGS203 Agricultural Biotechnology
PSC215 Plant Physiology
HRT202 Plant Taxonomy and Systematics
HRT301 Plant Propagation
PSC371 Plant Pathology
AGR501 Special Topics 1
Suggested electives
PSC104 Soil Science
BIO262 Vegetation Ecology
Spatial Science Major
SCI103 Communicating Environmental Data
SPA215 Principles of GIS
SPA217 Remote Sensing of the Environment
SPA308 GIS Applications
SPA405 Image Analysis
SPA412 Integrated Remote Sensing and GIS
SPA414 Critical Review of GIS and Geocomputation
SPA313 Advanced GIS Applications and Modelling
Suggested electives
SPA503 GIS Algorithms
SPA512 Cartography and Data Visualisation
Biology Minor
BIO100 Concepts of Biology
BIO112 Principles of Ecology
BIO203 Animal Diversity
HRT202 Plant Taxonomy and Systematics
Chemistry Minor
CHM104 Chemistry 1A
CHM107 Chemistry 1B
CHM213 Analytical Chemistry
CHM215 Inorganic Chemistry OR CHM216 Organic Chemistry
Immunology Minor
BMS240 Human Molecular Genetics
BMS241 Molecular Cell Biology
BMS308 Immunology
BMS344 Molecular Immunology
Information Technology Minor
ITC106 Programming Principles
ITC161 Computer Systems
ITC211 Systems Analysis
ITC212 Internet Technologies
Mathematics Minor
MTH101 Computer Aided Mathematics 1
MTH102 Computer Aided Mathematics 2
MTH218 Multivariable Calculus
MTH219 Linear Algebra
Microbiology Minor
MCR101 Introductory Microbiology
BMS215 Microbial Biotechnology
BMS338 Clinical Bacteriology
BMS315 Medical Microbiology
Physics Minor
PHY101 Mechanical and Thermal Physics
PHY102 Electricity and Waves
PHY215 Scientific Instrumentation (Electronics) OR PHY299 Introduction to Astronomy
PHY216 Modern Physics
Spatial Science Minor
SCI103 Communicating Environmental Data
SPA215 Principles of GIS
SPA217 Remote Sensing of the Environment
SPA308 GIS Applications
Statistics Minor
STA201 Scientific Statistics
STA308 Experimental Design and Analysis
STA448 Multivariate Statistical Analysis
STA427 Advanced Statistical Modelling
Because of the flexibility of the course requirements (i.e., major/minor/breadth core combinations), there is no single enrolment pattern. Enrolment patterns should be requested from the Courses Director, Program Leader or designated course administrator.
CHM335 Analytical Chemistry Industry Experience - Subject offered from 2012
Please note that the following subjects may contain a Residential School component.
BIO100 Concepts of Biology - Subject offered from 2013
BIO203 Animal Diversity - Subject offered from 2014
BIO262 Vegetation Ecology - Subject offered from 2018
BIO323 River and Floodplain Ecology - Subject offered from 2014
BMS215 Microbial Biotechnology - Subject offered from 2016
BMS241 Molecular Cell Biology - Subject offered from 2015
BMS308 Immunology - Subject offered from 2017
BMS315 Medical Microbiology - Subject offered from 2011
BMS338 Clinical Bacteriology - Subject offered from 2010
CHM104 Chemistry 1A - Subject offered from 2011
CHM107 Chemistry 1B - Subject offered from 2011
CHM108 Chemical Fundamentals - Subject offered from 2007
CHM213 Analytical Chemistry - Subject offered from 2007
CHM214 Physical Chemistry - Subject offered from 2008
CHM215 Inorganic Chemistry - Subject offered from 2016
CHM216 Organic Chemistry - Subject offered from 2016
CHM321 Laboratory Management Issues - Subject offered from 2014
CHM323 Instrumental Analysis 1 - Subject offered from 2014
CHM324 Instrumental Analysis 2 - Subject offered from 2014
HRT202 Plant Taxonomy and Systematics - Subject offered from 2011
HRT301 Plant Propagation - Subject offered from 2010
MCR101 Introduction to Microbiology - Subject offered from 2009
PHY101 Mechanics and Thermal Physics - Subject offered from 2009
PHY102 Electricity and Waves - Subject offered from 2007
PHY215 Scientific Instrumentation (Electronics) - Subject offered from 2017
PHY216 Modern Physics - Subject offered from 2018
PHY299 Introduction to Astronomy - Subject offered from 2014
PSC102 Botany - Subject offered from 2017
PSC104 Soil Science - Subject offered from 2015
PSC215 Plant Physiology - Subject offered from 2012
PSC371 Plant Pathology - Subject offered from 2017
Enrolled students can find further information about CSU Residential Schools via at About Residential School
Chemistry major graduates are qualified for membership of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute.
For any enquiries about subject selection or course structure please contact Student Central or or phone on 1800 275 278.
For further information about Charles Sturt University, or this course offering, please contact info.csu on 1800 275 278 (free call within Australia) or enquire online.
The information contained in the 2018 CSU Handbook was accurate at the date of publication: August 2018. The University reserves the right to vary the information at any time without notice.