Master of Applied Finance (with specialisations)
Graduate Diploma of Finance
Graduate Diploma of Financial Planning
Graduate Certificate in Finance
Graduate Certificate in Finance GradCertFin
Graduate Diploma of Finance GradDipFin
Graduate Diploma of Financial Planning GradDipFinPlan
Master of Applied Finance MAppFin
Master of Applied Finance (Banking) MAppFin(Bank)
Master of Applied Finance (Estate Planning) MAppFin(EstPlan)
Master of Applied Finance (Financial Planning) MAppFin(FinPlan)
Online - Bathurst
Online - Bathurst
Online - Bathurst
Online - Bathurst
Availability is subject to change, please verify prior to enrolment.
Course duration is the effective time taken to complete a course when studied full-time (full-time equivalent duration). Students are advised to consult the Enrolment Pattern to determine length of study. Not all courses are offered in full-time mode.
Full-time: 1.5 years (or part-time equivalent)
Full-time: 1.0 year (or part-time equivalent)
Full-time: 1.0 year (or part-time equivalent)
Full-time: 0.5 years (or part-time equivalent)
For entry to the Master of Applied Finance applicants are required to have an undergraduate degree from a recognised Australian tertiary institution (or equivalent). Applicants without a tertiary qualification may be admitted to the Graduate Certificate in Finance on the basis of professional attainment and/or work experience. Upon successful completion of the Graduate Certificate, students will then be eligible for admission to the Master Applied Finance and receive credit for applicable subjects.
Applicants without a tertiary qualification may be admitted to the Graduate Diploma of Financial Planning on the basis of professional attainment and/or work experience. Upon successful completion of the Graduate Diploma, students will then be eligible for admission to the Master of Applied Finance and receive credit for applicable subjects.
Applicants without a tertiary qualification may be admitted to the Graduate Diploma of Finance on the basis of professional attainment and/or work experience. Upon successful completion of the Graduate Diploma, students will then be eligible for admission to the Master of Applied Finance and receive credit for applicable subjects.
Applicants without a tertiary qualification may be admitted to the Graduate Certificate in Finance on the basis of professional attainment and/or work experience. Upon successful completion of the Graduate Certificate, students will then be eligible for admission to the Master Applied Finance and receive credit for applicable subjects.
Applicants who have completed the Graduate Certificate in Finance or the Graduate Certificate in Financial Planning will be awarded credit for the four subjects completed in the Graduate Certificate.
Applicants who have completed the Graduate Diploma of Finance and the Graduate Diploma of Financial Planning will be awarded credit for the eight subjects completed in the Graduate Diploma.
No special arrangements apply
No special arrangements apply
The Master, Graduate Diploma, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate make up an articulated set of courses and credit is given in each higher level course for the subjects completed in the lower.
To graduate students must satisfactorily complete 96 points.
To graduate students must satisfactorily complete 64 points.
To graduate students must satisfactorily complete 64 points.
To graduate students must satisfactorily complete 32 points.
Master of Applied Finance
The course consists of twelve (12) subjects, three (3) of which are core subjects.
For the general award of Master of Applied Finance the remaining nine (9) subjects are to be taken as follows; seven (7) from the restricted elective offering, at least one of which must be FIN535 Strategic & Contemporary Financial Issues or FIN572 Professional Ethics and Contemporary Financial Planning and the remaining two (2) may be from the restrictive elective group or may be any level five (5) subject offered by CSU.
For specialisations, students select four (4) subjects for specialisations in Banking and Estate Planning and seven (7) subjects for the Financial Planning specialisation with the remaining subjects, up to 96 points, from the full set of restricted electives including the option for up to two (2) subjects (equivalent to 16pts) from any level five (5) subject offered by CSU.This provides students with the ability to 'tailor' their degree to suit their particular personal and career needs.
Core subjects
FIN516 Corporate Finance
FIN530 Financial Markets and Instruments
FIN531 Investment Analysis
Banking Specialisation
FIN521 Corporate Treasury Management
FIN523 Lending in Financial Institutions
FIN525 Financial Institutions Management
LAW523 Finance Law
Financial Planning Specialisation
FIN560 Financial Planning*
FIN562 Risk Management and Insurance*
FIN563 Estate Planning *
FIN564 Superannuation and Retirement Planning *
FIN572 Professional Ethics and Contemporary Financial Planning*
LAW545 Taxation Strategies*
LAW523 Finance Law*
(*All of the above subjects in addition to core the subject FIN531 Investment Analysis are required for students interested in career as a Financial Planner as these subjects reflect the FASEA educational requirements.)
Estate Planning Specialisation
FIN563 Estate Planning
and three (3) restricted electives chosen from the following specialisation set:
ACG507 Accounting and Tax for Estates and Trusts
LAW545 Taxation Strategies
LAW523 Finance Law
FIN564 Superannuation and Retirement Planning
FIN562 Risk Management and Insurance
Restricted Electives
FIN518 International Financial Management
FIN521 Corporate Treasury Management
FIN522 Financial Modelling
FIN523 Lending in Financial Institutions
FIN525 Financial Institutions Management
FIN535 Strategic & Contemporary Financial Issues
FIN560 Financial Planning
FIN562 Risk Management and Insurance
FIN563 Estate Planning
FIN564 Superannuation and Retirement Planning
FIN567 Investing in Property
FIN572 Professional Ethics and Contemporary Financial Planning
ACG507 Accounting and Tax for Estates and Trusts
ECO501 Business Economics
LAW523 Finance Law
LAW545 Taxation Strategies
JST529 Contemporary Issues in Financial Crime (16 pts)
JST536 Emerging Issues and Professional Practices in Trans-national Crime Investigation (16 pts)
Up to two (2) level five (5) subjects offered by CSU
Students may elect to exit from the Masters degree and graduate with the award Graduate Certificate in Finance (GradCertFin) after completion of four (4) subjects as specified for the Graduate Certificate in Finance, or with a Graduate Diploma of Finance after completion of eight (8) subjects as specified for the Graduate Diploma of Finance, or with a Graduate Diploma of Financial Planning after completion of eight (8) subjects as specified for the Graduate Diploma of Financial Planning.
Graduate Diploma of Finance
The Graduate Diploma of Finance is an entry point and exit point course within the Master of Applied Finance. The course consists of eight (8) subjects, two (2) of which are core subjects. For the award of Graduate Diploma of Finance the remaining six (6) elective subjects are to be taken as follows; a maximum of one (1) subject (8 pts) may be any level five (5) subject offered by CSU and the balance to be elective subjects drawn from the restricted elective list. This provides students with the ability to 'tailor' their degree to suit their particular personal and career needs.
Core subjects
FIN516 Corporate Finance
FIN530 Financial Markets and Instruments
Plus six (6) restricted electives chosen from the following specialisation set:
FIN518 International Financial Management
FIN521 Corporate Treasury Management
FIN522 Financial Modelling
FIN523 Lending in Financial Institutions
FIN525 Financial Institutions Management
FIN531 Investment Analysis
FIN560 Financial Planning
FIN562 Risk Management and Insurance
FIN563 Estate Planning
FIN564 Superannuation and Retirement Planning
FIN567 Investing in Property
ECO501 Business Economics
LAW523 Finance Law
LAW545 Taxation Strategies
JST529 Contemporary Issues in Financial Crime (16 pts)
JST536 Emerging Issues and Professional Practices in Trans-national Crime Investigation (16 pts)
Up to one (1) level five (5) subjects offered by CSU
Graduate Diploma of Financial Planning
The Graduate Diploma of Financial Planning is an entry point and exit point course within the Master of Applied Finance. The course consists of eight (8) compulsory subjects which reflect the Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority (FASEA) education requirements.
Core subject
FIN531 Investment Analysis
Compulsory subjects
FIN560 Financial Planning
FIN562 Risk Management and Insurance
FIN563 Estate Planning
FIN564 Superannuation and Retirement Planning
LAW523 Finance Law
LAW545 Taxation Strategies
FIN572 Professional Ethics and Contemporary Financial Planning
Graduate Certificate in Finance
The course consists of four (4) subjects to be selected from the following set of restricted subjects.
FIN516 Corporate Finance
FIN530 Financial Markets and Instruments
FIN518 International Financial Management
FIN521 Corporate Treasury Management
FIN522 Financial Modelling
FIN523 Lending in Financial Institutions
FIN525 Financial Institutions Management
FIN531 Investment Analysis
FIN560 Financial Planning
FIN562 Risk Management and Insurance
FIN563 Estate Planning
FIN564 Superannuation and Retirement Planning
FIN567 Investing in Property
ECO501 Business Economics
LAW523 Finance Law
LAW545 Taxation Strategies
Master of Applied Finance
Because of the flexibility of the course requirements, there is no prescribed enrolment pattern. Students may choose the order in which they undertake subjects, depending upon the availability of subjects and the meeting of any pre-requisites. However a typical pattern as a guide to enrolment would be as follows.
Session 1
FIN530 Financial Markets and Instruments
Elective 1
Session 2
FIN516 Corporate Finance
Elective 2
Session 3
FIN531 Investment Analysis
Elective 3
Session 4
Elective 4
Elective 5
Session 5
Elective 6
Elective 7
Session 6
Elective 8
FIN535 Strategic & Contemporary Financial Issues
Graduate Diploma of Finance
Because of the flexibility of the course requirements, there is no prescribed enrolment pattern. Students may choose the order in which they undertake subjects, depending upon the availability of subjects and the meeting of any pre-requisites. However a typical pattern as a guide to enrolment would be as follows.
Session 1
FIN530 Financial Markets and Instruments
Elective 1
Session 2
FIN516 Corporate Finance
Elective 2
Session 3
Elective 3
Elective 4
Session 4
Elective 5
Elective 6
Graduate Diploma of Financial Planning
Students may choose the order in which they undertake subjects, depending upon the availability of subjects and the meeting of any pre-requisites. However a typical pattern as a guide to enrolment would be as follows.
Session 1
FIN560 Financial Planning
LAW523 Finance Law
Session 2
FIN562 Risk Management and Insurance
FIN563 Estate Planning
Session 3
FIN531 Investment Analysis
FIN564 Superannuation and Retirement Planning
Session 4
FIN572 Professional Ethics and Contemporary Financial Planning
LAW545 Taxation Strategies
Graduate Certificate in Finance
There is no prescribed enrolment pattern due to the flexibility of the course requirements. Students may choose the order in which they undertake subjects, depending upon the availability of subjects and the meeting of any pre-requisites.
The Financial Planning specialisation is listed as an approved degree by the Financial Planning Association of Australia. Students completing this specialisation are eligible for entry and advanced standing in the CFP� Certification Program (leading to the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER� designation). For more information see:
Financial product advisors may need to complete additional study to meet all licensing requirements.
The information contained in the CSU Handbook was accurate at the date of publication: February 2020. The University reserves the right to vary the information at any time without notice.