This subject contains a 5 day Compulsory Residential School.
Practical sessions to be conducted in the Exercise and Sports Science Laboratories.
A practical assessment will also be conducted during the Residential School.
This subject is designed to provide a comprehensive coverage of kinesiological principles necessary to understand individual joint structure and function and apply kinanthropometrical knowledge of the human body. Students will be expected to identify the elements of the musculo-skeletal system and study the role of the bony segments, joint related connective tissue structures, muscles and the external forces applied to those structures. Practical components will involve anthropometry, posture and movement analysis with application including the effects of immobilisation and injury on the system.
* Offering has a residential school. Please view following information for further details.
One session
School of Exercise Science, Sport and Health
Available to students in:
Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science
Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science (Sport Management)
Bachelor of Exercise Science
Bachelor of Exercise Science (Rehabilitation)
Bachelor of Education (Health & Physical Education)
Bachelor of Educational Studies
or as approved by the Course Director.
Thorough understanding of anatomy and physiology prior to undertaking this subject is required. Ideally, EHR119 and EHR120 to be completed prior to enrolment in this subject.
The following table summarises the assessment tasks for the online offering of EHR211 in Session 1 2020. Please note this is a guide only. Assessment tasks are regularly updated and can also differ to suit the mode of study (online or on campus).
This subject contains a 5 day Compulsory Residential School.
Practical sessions to be conducted in the Exercise and Sports Science Laboratories.
A practical assessment will also be conducted during the Residential School.
Distance education students are required to attend a five (5) day Residential School on CSU Bathurst Campus, scheduled during the Residential School period to access laboratory facilities. Each student will be required to attend laboratory classes on each day of the Residential School.
The information contained in the CSU Handbook was accurate at the date of publication: May 2021. The University reserves the right to vary the information at any time without notice.