HSM406 Resourcing Health and Aged Services (8)

Students are introduced to the processes of funding health and aged care without a presumed knowledge of accounting or finance. The development of different approaches to funding to address issues of effectiveness, efficiency and acceptability (including equity) are examined. Pressures for reform are linked to developments at various levels of management and organisation type to enable analysis of potential impacts on clinical delivery. Students will critically analyse the relationship between performance and principles of governance, focusing on developing an improvement in the quality of service delivery. Reflective practice will be used to facilitate the application of resource management and clinical governance to a self-identified workplace issue warranting a clinical governance business case.


Session 1 (30)
Bathurst Campus

Continuing students should consult the SAL for current offering details: HSM406. Where differences exist between the Handbook and the SAL, the SAL should be taken as containing the correct subject offering details.

Subject Information

Grading System



One session


School of Biomedical Sciences

Enrolment Restrictions

Master of Health Services Management
Diploma of Health Services Management
Graduate Certificate in Health Services Management
Master of Medical Radiation Science (with specialisations)

Or at the discretion of the Course Director

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
  • be able to describe different approaches to the funding of health or aged care services used by governments;
  • be able to explain the strengths and weaknesses of different funding models used by governments, including historical, per capita and output models
  • be able to critically analyse recent reforms in funding of health or aged services, including government funding, non-government funding and user pay components
  • be able to explain accounting concepts and financial management issues, such as accounting for overheads, capital assets, short and long term liabilities and depreciation
  • be able to justify the strategic importance of information as a resource for health service managers
  • be able to critically analyse the concept of clinical governance and the processes required to develop and implement it within your own organisational context
  • be able to integrate resource management principles and construct a business case requiring resource investment
  • be able to use reflective practice, evidenced through reflective writing, to apply knowledge of clinical governance to an identified and justified clinical governance issue requiring a business case investment to improve performance in the delivery of quality clinical care


This subject will cover the following topics:
  • Module: Financing Health and Aged Care Services
  • __Sources of Funding Health and Aged Care: System level perspective
  • __ Reforms in funding and the management of expenditures
  • __Funding of organisations and services
  • Module: Resource Management
  • __Accounting Frameworks - Organisation Level
  • __Budget Development and Management - Service Level
  • __Managing Resources - Assets, Workforce, Information and Technology
  • Module: Clinical Governance
  • __Clinical Governance - Definitions and Issues
  • __Clinical Governance - Implementation

Indicative Assessment

The following table summarises the assessment tasks for the online offering of HSM406 in Session 1 2020. Please note this is a guide only. Assessment tasks are regularly updated and can also differ to suit the mode of study (online or on campus).

Item Number
Value %
Present situation analysis
Clinical governance business case

The information contained in the CSU Handbook was accurate at the date of publication: May 2021. The University reserves the right to vary the information at any time without notice.
