LAW220 Business Organisations Law (8)

This subject examines the difference between various types of business organisation before focusing on corporations law, including the way in which corporations are formed, rules regulating internal relationships within corporations, relationships with outsiders, the duties of directors and other officers, fundraising and the termination of corporations with a particular focus on liquidation


Session 1 (30)
Albury-Wodonga Campus
Session 2 (60)
On Campus
Albury-Wodonga Campus
Bathurst Campus
CSU Study Centre Melbourne
CSU Study Centre Sydney
Port Macquarie Campus
Wagga Wagga Campus
Albury-Wodonga Campus
Session 3 (90)
Bathurst Campus

Continuing students should consult the SAL for current offering details: LAW220. Where differences exist between the Handbook and the SAL, the SAL should be taken as containing the correct subject offering details.

Subject Information

Grading System



One session


School of Accounting and Finance

Enrolment Restrictions

Students enrolling in LAW220 who have completed LAW100 and LAW210 are not required to complete the prerequisite LAW110.
Not available to students who have completed LAW310 or LAW380
Students may not enroll concurrently in Law 380 and Law 220.
Not available to students who have completed LAW281.



Incompatible Subjects

LAW281, LAW380

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
  • be able to identify the different types of business organisation and the law regulating them;
  • be able to explain the characteristics of different business organisations;
  • be able to explain the rules of law regulating the internal relationship between the participants in business organisations and between the organisation and third parties; and
  • be able to apply the law to legal problems.


This subject will cover the following topics:
  • The nature of different business organisations
  • Partnership
  • The law of agency
  • Formation of corporations
  • Corporate liability in crime, tort and contract
  • Corporate governance and the corporate constitution
  • Membership of a corporation - members' meetings and remedies
  • Directors' duties
  • Corporate finance: shares and debentures
  • Fundraising
  • External control - liquidation

Indicative Assessment

The following table summarises the assessment tasks for the online offering of LAW220 in Session 3 2020. Please note this is a guide only. Assessment tasks are regularly updated and can also differ to suit the mode of study (online or on campus).

Item Number
Value %
Multiple-choice test
Problem question
Final exam

The information contained in the CSU Handbook was accurate at the date of publication: May 2021. The University reserves the right to vary the information at any time without notice.
